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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Install Compiere ERP & CRM in Redhat Enterprise Linux & Oracle 10g PartIII

Finalize your installation and setting environtment

After success installing RHE5, in the next step we have to prepare the system environtment, for installing Oracle Database 10g.

This tutorial is for training purpose only, and I do not give any waranty it's work for you, it's mean you do with your own risk.

1. Please login into system using root
2. Open terminal
3. Edit file /et/hosts using vi or other text editor. put your IP address and hostname address in below of existing text.

[root#rhel5 ~]#vi /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line or various program
# that require network functionality will fail localhost.localdomain.localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6.localhost6 rhel5.alphamedia.co.id

4. Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf , append this line below in the bottom of file

5. Execute this command:
# /sbin/sysctl -p

8. Edit file /etc/security/limits.conf , and append this lines into that file:

8. Edit file /etc/pam.d/login

Append this line into the file:

9. Edit file /etc/selinux/config , make sure SELINUX = disable :

10. To prepare system for installing Redhat, please install setarch from CD #1:

#mkdir /media/cdrom
#mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
#cd /media/cdrom/server
#rpm -Uvh setarch-2*
#rpm -Uvh make-3*
#rpm -Uvh glibc-2*
#rpm -Uvh libaio-0*

11. continue with CD #2
#mkdir /media/cdrom
#mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
#cd /media/cdrom/server

tobe continue.....

Monday, August 13, 2007

Install Compiere ERP & CRM in Redhat Enterprise Linux & Oracle 10g PartII

Install Redhat Enterprise Linux 5

To install RHEL5 is just as simple as install windows (event more simple), anyway just need a little bit hands on to make more familiar with linux installation. If you are new in Linux, you don't need to worry, Just follow this tutorial step by step.

This tutorial is for training purpose only, and I do not give any waranty it's work for you, it's mean you do with your own risk.

1. Please put our CD/DVD installer in to CD/DVD Rom and reboot your system, when you set your bios to boot from CD/Correctly, then your will see display as below.

2. Wait the proceess until the next screen appear is Language option. Choose your language and then press next. 3. Next display is Keyboard type selection, choose the keyboard type as you wish, or just choose US Keyboard as this is the most common keyboard type.

4. Next step you could enter the installation number, in this example we just skip it.
5. Next step is set up the partition, error message may be appear when redhat could not read the partition.

6. In this example we just remove all the partition, Please note that this will errase all data in hard disk, do not remove the partition if you have any data inside your harddisk.

7. Thick "Review and modify partitioning layout". so we can review and modify the partition layout in the next step.

8. Warning message appear, once again please make sure you don't have any data inside your hardisk drive. To continue press next.

9. Next window is the layot of partition in hard disk, in this example we only make one partition and Swap Partition. Swap partition is use for virtual memory in Linux. The size recomended for swap is double from physical memory, in this example we use 2GB swap because physical memory is 1GB.

10. Next step we have to choose for boot loader, simply select GRUB as a bootloader

11. Next step is network setting, you can use static IP addess or select dynamic IP Address, in this case we use Static IP address.

12. Tick IPv4 support and Active on boot, to make network active when system booting up.

13. Enter the IP address, and Subnet mask.

14. Please enter your host name and gateway address in your network

15. Next step, please select the time zone

16. Enter the password for root

17. To Customize the installation pakcage, Select "Customize now"

18. Next step is to choose your favorite GUI, you can choose GNOME or KDE

19. Select the Application Package

20. Select the additional language

21. System will check the dependency pakcage

22. Now, you are ready for the installation process

23. Redhat will prompt you CD that needed for installation process.

24. Press next, and wait the installation process

25. Redhat begin the installation process

26. Insert the CD #2, and continue

27. Insert CD #3 and continue

28. After installation process completed, system will required to reboot.

29. Congratulation, you finish the first stepp of installaion. Reboot the PC.....
30. System will display Kdump, just wait...

31. System will ask you to set the date and time

32. Next screen is software setup update,

33. If you wan to register your RHL5, you can do it now, otherwise just select : "No, I prefer register at a later time"

34. System will prompt you whether you do not want to connect to Redhat network for software update, at the moment just press "No thanks, I'll connect later" to continue.

35. Next display will appear, press next

35. Next, system will ask you to create user, you also able to create later.

36. At this moment, just skip this step.

37. System will detech sound card that you have, and play the sound that you should heared it, otherwise cek your speaker, and sound card compatibility.

38. In the next display you may add aditional software if you wish.

39. Then you have to reboot system again, after that system will be ready to use.

for ERP Training info please Contact: training@alphamedia.co.id

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Install Compiere ERP & CRM on RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 & Oracle 10g Part I

Some people prefered to install Compiere on Linux for some reason (stability, security, etc). Eventhough the installation is very easy, I do not advise people which is unfamiliar or very new with Linux to do this way and run for production, (because this will put you on more trouble), for that purpose joint the apropriate training for linux is a good choice.

This tutorial is for training purpose only, and I do not give any waranty it's work for you, it's mean you do with your own risk.

To install Compiere ERP & CRM on RHEL 5, there are several step that we have to be done as follow:
1. Install RHEL 5 (of course..)
2. Configure RHEL5 (to make it suitable to install and run Compiere)
3. Install Oracle Databse 10g
4. Install Compiere ERP&CRM 2.61

Before we move further please make sure that you have System with minimum specification as follow:

1. PC with Intel or AMD Processor with minimum 800MHz, I recomend you to use P4 1,6GHz at least (more higher more better) , otherwise you have to be very passion in running the system later... :)
2. RAM minimum 512MB ( 1 GHz recomended )
3. HDD IDE or SATA 10GB minimum, using SCSI or SATA RAID will gain the performance
4. Check your hardware compatibility in http://www.redhat.com/hardware and make sure your hardware supported by Redhat Linux.

If everything was OK, then we can continue to next step, installation RHEL5. See the next posting for the step by step installation guide.

What's make Compiere different?

Fast Implementation with the idea of no final decisions. You don’t need to analyze everything up front, because you are still flexible enough to implement changes at a later point in time. Every decision is reversible.

True Integration
means that all data (CRM, ERP and Accounting) is driven from the same transactions. There is no need to migrate, merge or transform data. The user entering documents does not need to worry about what info needs to be entered for CRM as it is automatically there.

Safe Fail
People usually try to be fail-safe. But there are no fail-safe environments, since there are too many variables in it. So you can be sure that there will be bugs and problems. Thus, the idea was to build an environment where you can fail safely, where you can recover from
an error, where you can restart and deal with the situation.

Rich and Reach
Rich refers to the Client/Server interface meaning that it has all the features required. Reach refers to the Web interface meaning that it can be accessed without anything being deployed to the client.

Global market
It relatively easy to build in the multi-functions in Compiere which allow you to act in a global market with different languages, currencies and accounting methods. So there’s real
flexibility for you.
Smart User Interface

Most windows or screens are generated on the basis of rules, based on the dictionary. This allows for a very personalized access and gives the user what he needs. In that way, Compiere fully accounts for the fact that different people have different requirements. The data dictionary-driven approach enables a setup on a per-user-basis. All windows can be customized and reduced to those fields the user actually needs which again gives you more flexibility
than most other applications do.
To be successful in an ever changing market it is essential to be able to adopt to changes at any time in the smallest possible time frame. This can make the difference.

Target Market
Compiere was designed for the distribution, retail and service industries. There is a basic functionality for material management and manufacturing planning included, but only to a limited degree. There is no plan for manufacturing functionality like shop floor control and full
Compiere is for small and medium enterprises, as well as for individual companies, for distribution chains, outlets of manufacturers, franchises etc.
Compiere does not comprise full Material Requirement Scheduling, as far as shop floor or production scheduling is concerned. But you can calculate the gross demand and do forecasts as well as a very simple resource scheduling. There is no complete Payroll functionality (as far
as the calculation of net income, deductions and benefits are concerned). But there will be interfaces for both functions.

Compiere ERP & CRM, #1 Opensource ERP

Compiere is #1 Open Source ERP software application with fully integrated CRM software solutions. Compiere is a fully integrated business solution for small-to-medium enterprises worldwide. Compiere is based on business process rather then departmental boundaries. Since year 2001 have been downloaded more than 1,250,000 times.

Compiere is Smart ERP+CRM solution for Small-Medium Enterprises in the global market covering all areas from order and customer/supplier management, supply chain to accounting. For $5-500M revenue companies looking for "brick and click" first tier functionality
Compiere is changing the economics of enterprise applications by making Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) easier. Easier to acquire. Easier to implement. Easier to extend. Easier to change.

Unlike traditional ERP vendors who recommend adapting your business processes to match the default software settings, Compiere encourages you to customize your solution to match your business needs. The Model-driven Application Platform enables you to customize your solution quickly, easily and affordably — typically without programming.

Easier to Acquire
Compiere is easier to acquire through our unique open source business model. You are free to download, evaluate and use the open source version of Compiere without restriction. Compiere and its network of Authorized Partner provide a range of services to maximize the value of your Compiere solution.

Easier to Implement
With Compiere, ERP implementation is easier because it provides both strong functionality upon software installation, and ease of customization to your business needs. What's more, Compiere provides a multitude of resources to streamline the software implementation process.

Easier to Extend
The Compiere Model-driven Application Platform makes it easier to expand your solution to growing, changing and evolving businesses needs.

Easier to Change
Compiere is easier to change because there are no "final" decisions. Any element of the system can be changed at any time without consequences in other parts of the application or to application data.

MRP, MRPII & ERP, a brief definition...

MRP, MRPII, and ERP are something look similar especialy for newbie in ERP, these are a brief definition about MRP, MRPII and ERP.

A system for effectively managing material requirements in a manufacturing process. Information systems have long been an important part of the manufacturing environment. In the 1960s, manufacturers developed Material Requirements Planning (MRP). According to the American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (APICS), MRP is a set of techniques that uses bill of material data, inventory data, and the master production schedule to calculate requirements for materials. It makes recommendations to reorder materials. Furthermore, because it is time-phased, it makes recommendations to reschedule open orders when due dates and need dates are not in phase. Time-phased MRP begins with the items listed on the Master Production Schedule and determines the quantity of all components and materials required to fabricate those items and the date that the components and material are required. Time-phased MRP is accomplished by exploding the bill of material, adjusting for inventory quantities on hand or on order and offsetting the net requirements by the appropriate lead times.

A system based on MRP which allows manufacturers to optimise materials, procurement, manufacturing processes, etc., and provide financial and planning reports. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, manufacturers integrated MRP and other manufacturing and business functions. This renaissance is commonly known as Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II). According to the American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (APICS), MRP II is a method for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing company. Ideally, it addresses operational planning in units, financial planning in dollars, and has a simulation capability to answer "what if" questions. It includes business planning, sales and operations planning, production scheduling, material requirements planning (MRP), capacity requirements planning, and the execution support systems for capacity and material. Output from these systems is integrated with financial reports such as the business plan, purchase commitment report, shipping budget, and inventory projections in dollars. Manufacturing resource planning is a direct outgrowth and extension of closed-loop MRP.

Any software system designed to support and automate the business processes of medium and large businesses. This may include manufacturing, distribution, personnel, project management, payroll, and financials.
ERP Systems are accounting-oriented information systems for identifying and planning the enterprise-wide resources needed to take, make, distribute, and account for customer orders. ERP systems were originally extensions of MRP II systems, but have since widened their scope. An
ERP Systems also differs from the typical MRP II system in technical requirements such as relational database, use of object oriented programming language, computer aided software engineering tools in development, client/server architecture, and open system portability.

for  ERP Training info, please contact: training@alphamedia.co.id